Naushad respected the flag of the opposition party

Seeing the flag of the opposition party lying on the ground in the Kolkata Legislative Assembly yesterday, Indian Secular Font chairman and Bhagar MLA Peerzada Naushad Siddiqui stuck the flag with his hand down on the railing next to the footpath. He is trying to convey this great work that it is never right to insult the flag of any party or country in any way because every party or country's flag has a respect. And if the flag of that country or party is somehow lying on the ground or lying in a dirty garbage place, it should be raised in a good place or above as a citizen of the country. Bhangar MLA Peerzada Naushad Siddiqui Sahib has started to cut the hearts of all party leaders for this beautiful act and he has also become great for law and order or administration. Not only this work but now also as various social organizations and social workers but we see Bhangar MLA Pirzada Naushad Siddiqui Sahib.
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